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. Tree Farmer Alert

Monday, February 20,2012
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Colorado Tree Farmers are a network of land- owners that share forestry resources.

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Financial and Estate Planning Webinar for Family Forest Owners February 25, 2012

If the goal is to retain family ownership or otherwise prevent development, detailed planning is a must. A big challenge is generating cash flow from forestland, which can be severely hampered by tree mortality caused by mountain pine beetle.

Professor Hoover will address the following & other issues in this webinar: Important role forestland plays in the financial future for you & your family. Possible implications of taxes & options for minimizing their impact. Identify potential problems & opportunities to improve your situation by seeking professional planning expertise.

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A Forestry Webinar Series

A free forestry webinar series is being hosted by the Colorado State University Extention and NRCS. Topics include: "Proper Tree Care Practices for Small Acreage Landowners", "Major Forest Health Concerns for Small Acreage Landowners", and "Wildlife Habitat Improvements for Forests in Colorado."

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Increasing the Pace of Restoration and Job Creation on Our National Forests

Increasing the pace of restoration of the Nation’s forests is critically needed to address a variety of threats – including fire, climate change, the bark beetle infestation, and others -- to the health of our forest ecosystems, watersheds, and forest-dependent communities. While the intention in this report is to focus on our national forests and grasslands, the need for restoration is an issue that crosses all ownerships; and the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Forest Service is working with partners in an all-lands approach.

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